Number of Divisors of an Integer


Given an integer $N$, find its number of divisors.

For example, $12$ has the following divisors $1,2,3,4,6$ and $12$. So its number of divisors is $6$.

Number Of Divisors Function: $NOD(N)$ or $\sigma_{0}(N)$

Number of Divisors of N is also called $\sigma_{0}(N)$. That’s just a fancy way of asking for the number of divisors of N. You can read more on it from Wiki. I will refer to Number of Divisors of $N$ as either $\sigma_0(N)$ or $NOD(N)$. They both mean same.

Brute Force Method O(N)

Anyways, what is the easiest way to find Number of Divisors (NOD)? We can try to divide $N$ with all numbers from $1-N$ and keep count of how many of those numbers divide $N$. This will definitely work, but obviously we need to do better.

Optimized to O($\sqrt{N}$)

In “Primality Test – Naive Methods, we established that if we can write $N=A \times B$, then one of ${A,B}$ must be $<=\sqrt{N}$.

So using that same idea we can find NOD by simply looping till $\sqrt{N}$ and check if that particular number divides $N$. If it doesn’t then it is not a divisor and if it does then we found a ${A,B}$ pair of divisors. If $A \neq B$, then we add $2$ to result, otherwise we add $1$.


Suppose $N=24$. We need to loop till $\lfloor {\sqrt{24}} \rfloor= 4$. We get the following pairs of divisors, ${1,24}, {2,12}, {3,8}, {4,6}$. So our answer is $8$.

Let’s try again with $N=36$. We need to loop till $\lfloor {\sqrt{36}} \rfloor= 6$. We get the following pairs of divisors, ${1,36}, {2,18}, {3,12}, {4,9}, {6,6}$. So our answer is $9$. Notice that the last pair does not satisfy the condition $A \neq B$. So we add one for that pair.

This brings out an interesting observation. NOD of $N$ is always even except for when $N$ is a perfect square.Because whenever $N$ is perfect square, $\sqrt{N}$ would be its divisor and it will form a pair with itself.

Code Using Loop till $\sqrt{N}$

int NOD ( int n ) {
    int res = 0;
    int sqrtn = sqrt ( n );
    for ( int i = 1; i < sqrtn; i++ ) {
        if ( n % i == 0 ) res += 2; // Found a divisor pair {A,B}
    // Need to check if sqrtn divides n
    if ( n % sqrtn == 0 ) {
        if ( sqrtn  sqrtn == n ) res++; // If n is perfect square
        else res += 2; // Not perfect square

    return res;

We loop from $1$ to $\sqrt{N}-1$ at line 5. Then at line 10, we handle $\sqrt{N}$ seperately.

Using Prime Factorization

It is possible to find NOD from prime factorization of N. Suppose $N=12$. Its prime factorization is $2^2 \times 3$. Is it possible to divide $12$ with $5$? No. Cause the prime factorization of $12$ does not contain $5$. We can divide $N$ with primes that appear in factorization of $N$.

Next, can we divide $12$ with $2^3$? No. The power of $2$ in prime factorization of $12$ is $2^2$. So we cannot divide $12$ with $2^3$, since $2^2$ is not divisible by $2^3$.

So, if we are trying to divide $N$, that has prime factorization $N=p_1^{a_1} \times p_2^{a_2} \times ...p_x^{a_x} $, then the divisors of $N$, $D$, will have prime factorization of form $D=p_1^{b_1} \times p_2^{b_2} \times ...p_x^{b_x}$, where $b_i <= a_i$.

For example, divisor of $12=2^2 \times 3$ will have prime factorization, $D=2^x \times 3^y$, where $x <= 2, y <= 1$. When $x = 1$ and $y=1$, $D=2^1 \times 3^1=6$ which is a divisor of $12$. If we use a different combination of $[x,y]$, then we get a different divisor. So how many different combination can we use here? We know that, $0<=x<=2$ and $0<=y<=1$. So for $x$ we can use ${0,1,2}$ and for y we can use ${0,1}$. So we can use $3 \times 2=6$ combinations of ${x,y}$. And that is our NOD.

So, if $N=p_1^{a_1} \times p_2^{a_2} \times ...p_x^{a_x}$, then $D=p_1^{b_1} \times p_2^{b_2} \times ...p_x^{b_x}$. We get new divisors for using different combination for ${b_1,b_2...b_x}$. How many different combinations can we make? $(a_1+1) \times (a_2+1) \times...(a_x+1)$. Therefore, $\sigma_0(N) = (a_1+1) \times (a_2+1) \times...(a_x+1)$.

So basically, in order to find NOD, all we need to do is factorize $N$, then take each of its prime factors power, increase them by $1$ and finally multiply all of them. Easy right?


$N=12=2^2 \times 3$. $NOD(N)= (2+1) \times (1+1) = 6$
$N=15=3 \times 5$. $NOD(N)= (1+1) \times (1+1) = 4$.
$N=252 = 2^2 \times 3^2 \times 7$.
$NOD(N)=(2+1) \times (2+1) \times (1+1) = 18$.

Try out this yourself using other small values of N.

Code Using Prime Factorization

The code for $NOD$ is not very different from the one we used for factorize() in Prime Factorization of an Integer. We just need to modify it slightly to suit our needs.

int NOD ( int n ) {
    int sqrtn = sqrt ( n );
    int res = 1;
    for ( int i = 0; i < prime.size() && prime[i] <= sqrtn; i++ ) {
        if ( n % prime[i] == 0 ) {
            int p = 0; // Counter for power of prime
            while ( n % prime[i] == 0 ) {
                n /= prime[i];
            sqrtn = sqrt ( n );
            p++; // Increase it by one at end
            res *= p; // Multiply with answer
    if ( n != 1 ) {
        res *= 2; // Remaining prime has power p^1. So multiply with 2/
    return res;

I have highlighted the lines that are different from factorize().


  1. Divisor Function

Prime Factorization of an Integer


Given an integer N, find its prime factorization.

For example, $12 = 2 \times 2 \times 3 = 2^2 \times 3$.

It is somewhat difficult to factorize an integer. If $N$ is small enough, then it is possible to factorize it using prime generate by Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Trial Division Method

Suppose we are trying to factorize $980$. How would we attempt to factorize it with pen and paper? We will try to extract the smallest possible prime factors from it and make it smaller. That is we will try to divide the number with prime numbers and keep track which is capable of dividing it.

The first prime we have is $2$. Can we divide $980$ with $2$? Yes. $980=2 \times 490$. Now we need to factorize $490$ which is smaller and thus easier.

Again, let’s try to factorize $490$ with $2$. It is possible, so $980=2 \times 2 \times 245= 2^2 \times 245$. It is not possible to extract another $2$ from $245$ so we move on to next prime.

$3$ fails to divide $245$, so we move on to $5$. By repeating this process, we find out that $980=2^2 \times 5 \times 7^2$.

This process is kind of laborious, but we have computers to do our bidding. So for this trial division to work, all we need is a list of primes so that we can try dividing $N$ one by one from that list. How will we get that list? Using Sieve of Eratosthenes.

But before we start generating prime, we need to answer another question. Sieve of Eratosthenes can generate prime up to a certain number. So up to which value should, we generate prime numbers to factorize N?

Limit for Sieve of Eratosthenes

Well, if we are trying to factorize $N$, there is no point in generating primes that are larger than $N$. So we can generate up to $N$ and factorize using the list with primes less than or equal to $N$. But we can do even better by observing a special property of prime factors of $N$.

$N$ can have many prime factors. Some of the prime numbers will be $< \sqrt{N}$ and some $\ge \sqrt{N}$. Exactly how many primes factors can $N$ have that are greater than $\sqrt{N}$?

Notice that if $N$ can never have two prime factors $>\sqrt{N}$ since, $if : A > \sqrt{N}, then : A \times A > N$.

So if we generate primes up to $\sqrt{N}$ and use that list to factorize $N$ then at the end, we will either have 1 or a number greater than $\sqrt{N}$ which will be a prime for sure.

For example, $N=42$ and $\sqrt{N}=6.4 \approx 6$. So let’s try to factorize using primes less than or equal to $6$ only, that is using only $[2,3,5]$. What do we get? $N = 42 = 2 \times 3 \times 7$. Since $7$ can no longer be divided with any prime from our list $[2,3,5]$ we stop. $7$ is our last missing prime factor.

So, in order to factorize $N$, we need to generate primes up to $\sqrt{N}$ only.

Code for Sieve of Eratosthenes

vector <int> factors;
void factorize( int n ) {
    int sqrtn = sqrt ( n );
    for ( int i = 0; i < prime.size() && prime[i] <= sqrtn; i++ ) {
        if ( n % prime[i] == 0 ) {
            while ( n % prime[i] == 0 ) {
                n /= prime[i];
            sqrtn = sqrt ( n );
    if ( n != 1 ) {

Let me explain a few things about the code. In line 4, inside the for loop I wrote the following condition, i < prime.size() && prime[i] <= sqrtn. The first condition ensures that we don't go array over-bound. In order to understand it, imagine what will happen if we try to factorize a prime number $>\sqrt{N}$. Without that condition, you might get RTE.

The second condition ensures we are always trying to factorize using prime less than $\sqrt{N}$.

In line 5, we check if it is possible to divide the current $N$ with prime[i]. If so we start a loop in line 6 and keep on extracting until we cannot anymore.

In line 10, we are optimizing our code. Since, after extraction of prime factors, $N$ has become smaller, we now need to only factorize with a smaller amount of prime numbers. Due to this single line, the code converges really quickly.

In line 13, we are checking if the residual number after factorization is 1 or not. If not, it is the only prime factor which is greater than $\sqrt{N}$. So we add it to our prime factor list.

Time Complexity

There are two loops in the code for factorize(). The first one is at line $4$. This loop runs once for every prime $\leq \sqrt{N}$. From "Prime Number Theorem", $\pi (N) \approx \frac{N}{ln(N)}$. So there are approximately $\frac{ \sqrt{N} }{ ln ( \sqrt{N} ) }$ primes $\leq \sqrt{N}$.

The second loop at line $6$ runs once for every prime factor $N$ has. So it cannot run more than $log_2(N)$ \times.

So the complexity is $O(\frac{ \sqrt{N} }{ ln ( \sqrt{N} ) } + log_2(N) : )$. In practice, if $N$ is not a prime then due to line $10$, $N$ becomes small quickly. So it is much faster than what we calculated.

Optional Optimization

There is an optional optimization we can perform only when it is possible to generate sieve up to N. Just insert a single statement in line 5.

for ( int i = 0; i < prime.size() && prime[i] <= sqrtn; i++ ) {
        if ( sieve[n] == 0 ) break; /*Checks if n is prime or not*/
        if ( n % prime[i] == 0 ) {

The new line added simply checks if the number we are trying to factorize is a prime or not. If it is prime, then obviously we cannot factorize it anymore. This optimization is highly useful when we already have sieve generated up to $N$.


  1. forthright48 - Prime Number Theorem -

Sieve of Eratosthenes – Generating Primes


Given an integer N, generate all primes less than or equal to N.

Sieve of Eratosthenes – Explanation

Sieve of Eratosthenes is an algorithm that generates all prime up to N. Read this article written by Jane Alam Jan on Generating Primes – LightOJ Tutorial. The pdf contains almost all the optimizations of the Sieve of Eratosthenes.


vector <int> prime; // Stores generated primes
char sieve[SIZE]; // 0 means prime
void primeSieve ( int n ) {
    sieve[0] = sieve[1] = 1; // 0 and 1 are not prime

    prime.push_back(2); // Only Even Prime
    for ( int i = 4; i <= n; i += 2 ) sieve[i] = 1; // Remove multiples of 2

    int sqrtn = sqrt ( n );
    for ( int i = 3; i <= sqrtn; i += 2 ) {
        if ( sieve[i] == 0 ) {
            for ( int j = i * i; j <= n; j += 2 * i ) sieve[j] = 1;

    for ( int i = 3; i <= n; i += 2 ) if ( sieve[i] == 0 ) prime.push_back(i);

Some lines from the code above can be omitted depending on the situation. But as a whole, the above code gives us two products, a vector<int> prime which contains all generated primes and a char[] sieve that indicates whether a particular value is prime or not. We will need the sieve array for optimizations in other algorithms.


The algorithm has a runtime complexity of $O(N log (logN ) )$